
Claim Compensation for Flight Delay made easy with Airclaim! | Guaranteed recompense!

Flight delays,as well asthe cancellation, are regular occurrences in air travel. When one or another happens, it’s imperative to comprehend your rights and what compensation you are entitled to as a result of a delay or cancellation. The European Union has different regulations and policies regarding delays and cancellations for passengers on flights to/from/within their […]

Proof that not all extraordinary circumstances are extraordinary!

This article recently posted on the Dailymail Link It highlights a recent case at Winchester Crown Court A father-of-three has won more than £3,200 compensation after representing himself in court against airline giant Monarch after his family endured a 24-hour flight delay in Egypt. After an 18-month saga and three separate court hearings, 40-year-old Martin […]

Proof that its not all plain sailing for EU261/2004 claimants

Much is talked about how EU261/2004 is simple and people should make any claim themselves. Airclaim know that its not actually that simple, so much so that some other company’s in this sector actually have free versions of the letters needed to make a claim on there websites. However our experience says that this is […]

Benefits of using Airclaim & Self litigation does it work?

Air carriers exist to make money. They do not want to dilute that revenue if at all possible regardless of what EU261 / 2004 states. Please do not misunderstand, the air carriers will observe EU 261 / 2004 but they will not make it easy for the individual claimant. “Extraordinary Circumstances” as defined in EU […]